Dan Norton
Some quotes from the students who attended the camp.
The top two highlights of the camp for me was the surfing and going to South Walkerville. Surfing was my top highlight because it was an awesome experience to learn how to surf. It was a bit difficult at first but, once I got the hang of it, the feeling was so good. Another highlight was when we went to South Walkerville.
– Tyler

During camp I was a leader as well as a packer. As the leader I think I was quite successful and I helped plan out the day quite well. I learnt that not every decision has to be made by the group but the important ones do. As a packer I learnt how to properly organise a trailer. I enjoyed the surfing a lot as it was the first time I had done it and I was impressed with how I went. I also enjoyed the cooking as it was quite fun and the food was good.
– Seb

My first role on camp was being in charge of safety so make people put sunscreen on during the hikes. The second role on camp was time keeper where we had to keep a track of time for each activity throughout the day. The activities I enjoyed the most were the surfing lesson because it was my first time surfing and I was able to get up on the surf board and the night games because it was fun.
– Jake

Danielle's and my food was good. We premade two meals and then cooked pasta the last night. None of our meals tasted like metho and we had enough to eat - sometimes too much
– Rowena