
Parents and Friends Association

QNetwork is the Parents and Friends Association of Kew High School and embraces everyone who is part of the school — parents, carers, staff and students.

The QNetwork generally meets in the second week of each term. Meeting details are announced via Compass.

Role in the school community

Involvement in QNetwork can be in a myriad of ways, and as little or as much as suits you. For the keen volunteer, you can attend meetings, become a committee member and contribute to the running of the network as a whole. For those who prefer a little less commitment, we send out regular emails requesting helpers for one-off activities.

The QNetwork is a great way to meet other parents/carers, work collaboratively with staff and students on a range of projects and become a part of the Kew High School community. We welcome your input in any form and look forward to hearing from you. 

All are welcome to attend the upcoming QNetwork committee meetings to be held in Conference Room 1 at 6.30pm.

  • Wednesday 24 July
  • Wednesday 11 September
  • Wednesday 13 November

Register to be part of QNetwork

Fill in the form below to join QNetwork and identify how you would like to be involved and support Kew High School. For questions and suggestions, please get in touch via: QNetworkpfa@kew.vic.edu.au