Catherine Gayfer
In year 10 PE during term 2 we undertake a unit called ‘Leisure for Living’, where we go out into the local community (during our scheduled double period) to visit health/fitness and sport/leisure facilities. The aim is to experience ways to continue being active once we finish compulsory Physical Education at school and to discover the benefits to our physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health and wellbeing.

Ari and I chose to go to Latitude in Heidelberg on Thursday 25th March. We travelled via the 548 bus and when we got there, nearly the whole facility was open to try for us alone! My classmates and I participated in rock-climbing, basketball, general trampoline activities, dodgeball, parkour and obstacle courses. A highlight for me and a lot of others were the basketball rings, which were surrounded by trampolines, letting anyone dunk the basketball with ease. Along with it being a fun social activity with the class, it was also great exercise. – Hamish
On May 13th, the year 10 PE class caught to 200 bus to play minigolf at Yarra Bend Golf Course in Fairfield. This activity was planned and led by Emily and Harry, who were very organised. As we were walking down through Studley Park, the weather was not looking good. When we got to the course, we were quickly thrown in and played some mini golf (some taking it more seriously than others!) Overall, it was a fun activity that once again brought us closer as a group. – Harry
We travelled by tram to the O’Brien Icehouse to do Ice skating on Thursday the 27th of May. After an hour long tram ride and a 20 minute walk, we finally arrived at the venue. Once we arrived, we got a helmet and ice skates and went to the ice rink. Some instructors showed us how to stand with balance, fall correctly, move forward and turn. My favourite part was getting to go with my friends, plus I don’t do this type of activity very often so it was a special occasion too. I would highly recommend this activity, as it is great fun for everybody, no matter your experience level. When I got on the ice, my mental health and wellbeing improved as skating is relaxing for me, but for others it may have tested their confidence and co-ordination! – Jemima
I had never done ice skating before so I was excited to try something new, but I was also nervous about ice skating as it can be quite dangerous. Most people in my class were so confident and seemed to learn it super easily, whereas I held onto the wall the whole time. I fell over probably 6-7 times but it was all part of the experience. Although falling over multiple times, I still enjoyed it and I was glad I did not give up. I persevered and went out of my comfort zone which enhanced my physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. – Zach
Archery at Ambrose Archery in West Heidelberg was something that many of us had never tried before – it required good concentration, balance and co-ordination. We caught the 548 bus to the venue and, after channelling our inner Robin Hood, took turns shooting 6 arrows into the target about 20m away, when we could hit close to the bullseye the instructor moved our target back further. A tip for other beginner archers: wear an arm guard – that bow string leaves quite a bruise if it whacks you on the way through!