Junling Yang
International Student Program
It has been a very fluid Term 3 – long and short at the same time. Our VCE International Students adapted to lockdowns and online assessments, as swiftly as they could, with the rest of the school. A lot of achievements were made during the term for both Year 12s and Year 11s, despite of the difficult circumstances we are in. All our Year 12s made their VTAC applications online and are working hard and disciplined towards not only the end of year VCE exams, but also what is beyond 2021. All our Year 11s are getting ready for their 1st VCE exam (1st Languages oral exams) which are happening in early October. A big shout out to all our international students who themselves made their vaccine bookings, as soon as their age group was eligible, and went to get the jab! The confidence, independence and maturity they demonstrated during the process is just inspirational!
Due to the Covid restrictions, we had to cancel the planned mid-autumn festival celebration, but everyone is looking forward to the time when we can return to school and enjoy the mooncakes. Hollie and Harry, International Student Captains 2021, sent their care packages to all their fellow students to give everyone a wellbeing boost. Students who had birthdays during the term were celebrated during online assemblies and with a virtual lollipop. We are thankful to our dedicated homestay hosts who support our students, understand them and celebrate the student birthdays in the absence of their parents overseas.
Well done to all of our remarkable International Students and very best wishes to your VCE exams!