Kathryn Tucker
In Week 9, Kew recognised Harmony Week – a week where we celebrated the contributions and achievements of our multicultural school, state and country.
The Year 9 & 10 House Cup ran on Wednesday and Friday, with Wilsmere triumphant over Cotham in a penalty shoot-out for the ages. The House Cup was aligned with Amnesty International’s #GameOver campaign, which works to highlight the plight of asylum seekers in indefinite detention in Australia. Our Social Justice Captains, Laura Alberti and Patiola Monu, worked with a dedicated team of Social Justice volunteers to set up and run a petition – which garnered over 100 signatures. Thanks in particular to Emma Wells and Louis Carter for their help setting up.

Kew celebrated International Women’s Day with a concert featuring some fantastic female artists. Laura and Patiola MC’d the event, bringing joy to our Friday lunchtime. Amazing job to everyone who performed: Audrey, Bishaaro, Scotia, Talia, Eve, Emily, Nyla, Nesta, Mimi and Jasmine. You all killed it!
Special thanks to Coby, Jude, Callum and James, who helped out on the day.

Term 1 also saw the creation of Stand Out Kew, a group for our LGBTIQA+ students and allies. With four meetings under our belt, students have identified a range of goals and projects, and are currently working on electing a leadership team. Much more to come in Term 2!