Photo above: James Morton, Owen Roberts and Jude Harris
By Josie Millard, Principal
Kew High School has much to celebrate in 2022
Firstly, I wish to congratulate the Class of 2022. This year, in the VCE, 9% of Kew High School students achieved an ATAR over 95 and 37% of our students were ranked in the top 20% of the state with an ATAR over 80. This is in a school which prides itself on our non-selective, inclusive enrolment policy. We are most proud of the achievements of all students.
We congratulate the Dux of 2022, James Morton who gained an outstanding ATAR of 98.95 This year James studied English (37), Chemistry (43) Mathematical Methods (45) Specialist Mathematics (41) and Physics (45). In 2021 James studied Physical Education (40). James’ achievement is outstanding. He was the winner of the ADF Future Innovators Award and is absolutely looking forward to the freedom and creativity he will be afforded in his university studies in engineering and commerce. It is important to note that James was a key member of the Peer Tutoring program throughout the year. The program was an initiative of the 2022 Student Leaders and James offered to tutor in four subjects. Needless to say, he was a sought after tutor. It is these qualities that truly reflect the values of our school.

This year, I also wish to particularly acknowledge all students and staff who worked together to create a caring and supportive environment whilst at the same time maintaining expectations of excellence for every single VCE student. There is no doubt that our wellbeing team, and our Senior School team have worked tirelessly to ensure that the impact of the past few years has not limited choice, resilience or tenacity for your students. In 2022, only 6 students chose not to receive a score for their VCE. To those many students who considered this option, but who were able to maintain their focus on their studies, often in the face of significant adversity – I most sincerely congratulate you. We know that you have completed your studies with the knowledge that you are indeed resilient and capable. I hope that now you know, you can do anything!