Phillip Naughton
School Gardener
Kew High School Gardens benefitted from excellent Spring rain. The absence of students through Term 3, because of the remote learning assisted with no population impact allowing lawn areas a rest.
Garden maintenance was restricted during Term 3 due to loss of work days due to restrictions. Mulching and weeding continued in the main areas around the entrances. The back of the library was cleaned up and the vegetable gardens changed to Summer crops.
The new garden beds have been planted. The Jacaranda Garden has perennial plants. They are now filling out into the design by volunteer Bridget Naughton who also donated many of the filler plants. The Burke Road South native garden preparation was completed with help from volunteer Ed Brown and had time to settle down absorbing the Spring rain. The main planting has been installed with the grasses to follow as time allows.
The lawns and parkland have been mowed and trimmed by Andrews Garden Service team. They also cleared the paths and pruned the shrubs along the Burke Road Fence. The Landscape Lads led by teacher Sam Gleeson are back in force. They are currently preparing the garden beds beside the Burke Road bus stop. These will be planted out by the end of term 4.
Garden maintenance will continue over the Christmas New Year break to ensure the new plants and veggies are watered and weeds kept out.