Principal’s message

Josie Millard
Thank You for Term 1
As Term 1 of 2022 draws to a close, I would like to thank every staff member, every student and every parent and school community member for ensuring that Kew High School was a wonderful place to be this term. We commenced the term determined to provide our students with a predictable and normal learning environment, and we have done exactly that. Despite the many students and staff who have been impacted by the ongoing COVID situation, we have not only continued our complete learning program but also have conducted a huge range of co-curricular activities. At times, the school community has had to work very hard to ensure the best experience for students. The exceptional work of the Year Level Coordinators, the Wellbeing Team, the Learning Area Leaders, the Co-curricular Leaders, the teaching teams and the education support staff has meant that we have not only taken our first major step back to our usual way of life and learning but we have, once again, become a vibrant and connected community. We have enjoyed exciting House Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, Sports Round Robins at all levels, Beach Volleyball competitions, Debating competitions, Year 7 Camps, Outdoor Education Camps, Harmony Day, Student Leadership conferences and many other excursions and activities. We have also begun the preparation for our significant performances that will occur throughout the year, including our music concerts and the much-anticipated school production of ‘The Addams Family’ musical.
Community Canteen this term
Another such example of our exceptional community doing everything they can to ensure a safe and health environment for our students is the parents who have been running our Canteen this term. When it became apparent that we would not be able to get the new Canteen in place until Term 2, our wonderful QNetwork parents offered to ensure that our students had access to affordable healthy food at school. Every morning they have been preparing food offsite before arriving at school to serve it from the Theatre Kiosk. I most sincerely thank every parent helper who had done a shift, either cooking or serving. Thank you particularly to Cat and Michalle who have been the driving forces behind it. Kew High School is indeed fortunate to have such a wonderfully caring community to draw upon when we need it.

STEAM Centre opening early Term 2
Term 2 will see Kew High School move into our long-awaited STEAM Centre. The many teams who are working together to bring this magnificent facility to our school have done an amazing job in the final stages. Teaching teams are preparing curriculums for the new spaces, we are ordering the equipment and the furniture, and we are imagining ourselves in the new marvellous learning and teaching spaces. The first few weeks of the term should see us putting the final touches on the new building and allowing the teaching teams to move all the equipment in. We anticipate that students should be learning in the classrooms by Week 4 of Term 2 – and we can’t wait!
Level 1 classroom upgrades
Over the term break we are also taking the opportunity to upgrade the classrooms on Level 1. The rooms will each be having a fresh coat of paint along with new whiteboards, screens, pinboards, carpets and furniture. Thank you to the Kew High School Council who approved the upgrade through the Building Fund. Thank you most sincerely to every family who was able to contribute to that fund during Course Confirmation each year, as you have enabled us to improve the learning environment for our students.
I would also like to most sincerely thank School Councillor Angelo Sansano whose expertise, leadership and huge commitment of time has meant that this project became possible.
Open Morning
Over the course of Term 1 I have conducted many School Tours for prospective families. Students and families have come from a huge range of schools and have all had the privilege to our school in action as it operates on any usual day. Our Year 10 Peer Support students have assisted in leading the tours and they have each been fine ambassadors for our school.
On Thursday 28 April, Kew High School will hold an Open Morning commencing at 9.00am in the Gymnasium. We look forward to seeing many prospective families and showing them our wonderful school.
It has indeed been a wonderful term and I thank everyone who has contributed to its success. Thank you, particularly from me, to the Assistant Principals Pamela Dunstall and Jane Thornton, to our Business Manager Ruchi Patel and to the whole Leadership Team at Kew High School. We are an exceptional team and I am truly grateful to work with such amazing, caring people.