Principal’s message

As we come to the end of an exceptional year, I invite you to take the time to read this newsletter and reflect upon the amazing successes of the students of Kew High School. The year started with a deliberate intent by student leaders to expand the co-curricular offerings across the school, and to increase communication of these opportunities to all students. We began the year with a clear message of high expectations, and our students have worked so hard to meet these.
On Presentation Night this year, over 500 students were honoured with either a subject award, an academic achievement award or an ASPIRE award. These achievements are reflective of the amazing community of students they contribute to the school, and they seek to challenge themselves in their studies. Presentation Night itself was a magnificent reflection of our school with the theme One Earth, One Family, One Future.
On that night we farewelled our Class of 2023. I would like to now take the opportunity to congratulate those students on their outstanding VCE results. They are a true reflection of outstanding academic performance across the cohort. The Class of 2023 has greatly added to Kew High School’s culture of exceptional academic performance.

This year, over 41% of Kew High School students who completed a scored VCE gained an ATAR over 80.0. More than 19% of our scored students gained an ATAR over 90.0. The median ATAR for the Kew High School Class of 2023 was 75.4 and the median Study Score rose to 31.
We are pleased to achieve these results as a school which prides itself on our non-selective, inclusive enrolment policy and extensive subject offerings. We are also proud of the fact that the vast majority of our students were supported to complete all assessment tasks and gain a scored result.
We congratulate the Dux of 2023, Guobin (Harry) Zheng who gained an outstanding ATAR of 99.75. This year Harry studied Chemistry (39), Specialist Mathematics (40) and Physics (42). He gained a perfect Study Score of 50 in English. Harry also studied UMEP Maths (University of Melbourne Extension Program Maths) through the Centre for Higher Educational (CHES) this year. In 2022, Harry studied Mathematical Methods (46). This achievement is a testament to the significant commitment that Harry has made to his studies throughout his time at Kew High School. Harry’s brother Gary Zheng was also Dux in 2021 with an ATAR of 99.4.
I acknowledge the passion and dedication of all staff to ensuring that Kew High School students can access an education that gives them agency and opportunity. I also acknowledge the enormous influence of family, carers and the broader school community that collectively foster a culture of high academic expectations and social responsibility. Thank you, Class of 2023, you set a standard to which future students can truly aspire.

On Tuesday 12 December, we welcomed our new Year 7 students for 2024. The new beginning, the welcoming of new students always brings with it happiness and hope and this year was no exception. The program for the day introduced students to the school and whilst there was some trepidation early in the day, by the end of the day there were smiles and laughter.
Year 10 and Year 11 students have completed Unit 1 and Unit 3 Headstart Program and are to be congratulated upon the manner in which they have undertaken the first sessions in their VCE studies. They have recognised the significant advantage they have by completing the Headstart Program and the purpose and commitment has been evident throughout the school. Holiday homework for all subjects has been set and we are confident that students will enjoy completing these tasks which further prepare them for a productive year in which they are able to reach their full potential.
Our current Year 7, 8 and 9 students have been working hard all term, right up until the day of final assemblies. The CATs are completed, the learning is complete, and the habits of study are being built to ensure learning success in the years to come. As the holiday break begins, I encourage everyone to make the time to rest, to eat healthily and to be deliberate in avoiding screens over the break.
In the final Newsletter of the year, I would like to wish all members of our school community a very happy holiday and a safe and healthy new year.
I look forward to welcoming you back to 2024 prepared and ready for a new year of learning!
Happy Holidays!
Josie Millard