Principal’s message

by Josie Millard
Jazz Band at the DET Principals Conference
The Kew High School Jazz Band was invited to perform at the Department of Education and Training State Principals Conference earlier this term. Our students were outstanding, and the school received many compliments on the quality of the performance and the success of our music performance program. Congratulations to Nyla Alcide Yr12, Noam Geva Yr12, George McMullen Yr12, Max Castree Yr12, Callum Estibeiro Yr12, Ethan Bennett Yr11, Wyni McIntyre Yr9 and Gabriel O’Shaughnessy Yr9. Particular thanks to teachers Adrian Jackson and Kylie Kollmorgen for their guidance and support of our magnificent students.

Thank you to Sue de Leon
Sue de Leon retires at the end of Term 2. Sue has been an education support staff member at Kew High School for 14 years. Her work has been integral in building the school timetable and supporting school organisation for many years. She has done a difficult job with unmatched care and grace. Sue will be sorely missed and I thank her for her amazing work at Kew High School.

Victorian Global Learning Awards and “welcome” to our Semester 2 English Language Centre students
Next term we welcome the re-commencement of the English Language Centre at Kew High School and look forward to rebuilding the International Student Program across the senior school.
There are many benefits to a school community in the delivery of an International Student Program but perhaps the most impactful of these is the influence on the learning and awareness of our local students of our role in a global community. We are so privileged to learn and work at Kew High School, and the fact that others seek our education from across the world demonstrates so clearly how fortunate we are.
I am sure that our 15 new students will be warmly welcomed next term. I know that they will be well cared for by their Homestay families. One of our Homestay carers was recognised in the Victorian Global Learning Awards last week. Details of the honour are outlined later in the QNews.
Year 10 and 11 exams
Over the past two weeks, Year 10 and 11 students have been practising reviewing and recalling knowledge and skills that have been acquired over a whole semester. The exam block has been successful in simulating the experience of sitting units 3&4 senior secondary exams. Feedback from students has been extremely positive in the manner in which they have been prepared. Students have presented magnificently, clearly taking responsibility for their learning outcomes.
The Year 10 and 11 subschools teams have done an amazing job in planning and preparing for the experience. Teachers who have written rigorous examinations, and who are now marking them in order to provide timely feedback, have also done an amazing job.
Facilities, Canteen and Buildings update
The final handover of the STEM Centre will occur over the holidays. Classes will be timetabled in there from the first day of Term 3 – we are very much looking forward to moving into our new space.
Most importantly, the Canteen will be operating from Day 1 of Term 3. The Canteen has been missed sorely this term. We look forward to the returning access to healthy food onsite, and to be able to sit down and eat together.
I am most pleased to announce that we will commence a new project involving repairs to the façade of the main building and the gym roof. It is likely that we will also be able to refurbish some key areas of the school. A consultation process will commence next term with the School Council Facilities Committee, the architect and the staff and students to determine the next steps of our master plan.
In my address to students on Thursday in the General Assembly, I reminded them of the values of the school with a specific focus on PARTICIPATION. In preparing for the speech, I began reflecting on everything that we have participated in this term as a school community – and the list is overwhelming.
I have included part of the text here so that you may see some of the amazing things we have achieved. Many of these events and achievements will be outlined as you read through the newsletter.
Today, I would like to recognise and celebrate participation…
Congratulations to…
- The Kew High School Year 11 and our Year 12 Boys Futsal teams who finished first and second in the Victorian Under 19s Futsal Titles, defeating a huge range of schools who allocate significant resources to Futsal. As a result of their wins, both teams qualified for the Australian Championships.
- Congratulations to all students who participated in the Futsal championships.
- The students who lead the work and put together the Kewspaper – an amazing initiative from this team of students
- Congratulations to Dimitri Gosios and Sweeney Todd-Harvey who will represent the school in the State Schools Spectacular next term
- Congratulations to Owen Roberts who will compete in Athletics in the 2022 National Special Olympics over the holidays, having won a number of State titles earlier this term.
- All the students who performed in the Winter Music concert last night. It was the first concert we have been able to have in more than two years and it was definitely worth waiting for.
- All the students who will perform tomorrow in Kew’s Got Talent (go to the Theatre at lunchtime)
- The Year 12 Theatre Studies students for their breathtaking performance of the Lord of the Flies
- All the students who are putting so much time and dedication into the upcoming performance of the Addams Family musical
- Every Year 9, 10 and 11 students who attended an Outdoor Ed Camp or excursion
- The Year 9 students for their thoughtful reflections on the Elephant Ed Consent Sessions
- Jacqui and James for organising, and to all who participated in, the Boroondara fundraiser day yesterday
- The Year 9 school for student Leadership students who ran a fundraising event to create community awareness.
- The Year 8 students who participated in a Kindness BBQ – and particularly to those who were recognised as having taken an Act of Kindness.
- The five Debating teams who have collectively participated in 20 debates and have won 14 of them thus far (two teams – Y10/11, Y12 – with only one loss, and one undefeated team – Y8). While many debaters are competing in a division above their year level, and even more competing for the very first time this year, all five KHS Debating teams currently have a winning (or even) record against their competition.
- The students who represented Kew High School at the Ainger Public Speaking competition
- The Volleyball Senior Boys who came second in the State! and to the Inter Girls who were ranked fourth in the state.
- The whole school volleyball team for their magnificent representation of the school.
- The Year 8 boys football team who are through to the regional competition.
- The Year 8 Girls – they have won at Division Netball A & B as well as the football in which they have won six games in a row and are through to the Regional final.
- Tao Murasawa Y8 who WON the Australian Youth National Championships in Rock climbing.
- Milla Keys who is currently overseas competing at the World Orienteering Competition
- The whole KHS Orienteering Team who came second in the state titles.
- All students who participated in the House Cross Country – and to all who went to Division and those who placed individually, as well as the 14yo girls team for winning and the 13 boys team for coming third
- Particular congratulations to Alex Wallis, Emily Wright and Jemima Thompson for their participation and representation of Kew High School in Cross Country as Senior students.
- The Student Leaders who have brought back the Toastie Club and to all who have participated either by serving or eating a Toastie
- The VHAP students who worked with the Richmond High students yesterday to solve a range of complex problems.
- All students who have participated in the Peer mentoring program so – it is shaping up to be an outstanding program in the school
- I have not had time to name all of you but congratulations to every student who has participated in a co-curricular program or activity this term.
Congratulations also to…
- Year 10 and Year 11 students who have just completed a rigorous fortnight of exams
- All Year 10 students for participating in Work Experience this week.
- The Year 12 students for finishing Unit 3 – more than half-way there now!
- Every student in this school who has completed a CAT or A SAC to the best of their ability or who has worked hard to get something in on the due date.
- And finally everyone who has participated in a class discussion or who has been an upstander in the school yard.
This long list of people are the people who make our school a great school – and I thank you very much for your participation – for your reflection of the value of Participation at Kew High School!
I wish you all the very best for a safe, happy and healthy holiday break. I look forward to seeing you back for Term 3.