Term 4, 2020 Principal’s message

Josie Millard
As we come to the end of an exceptional year, I invite you to take the time to read this newsletter and reflect upon the amazing successes we have achieved in the face of significant adversity. Our community has come together to find a way to celebrate the students of Kew High School in innovative and creative ways. I have been so fundamentally impressed with the dedication of parents and of the wider community to this school. It is evident that Kew High School is unique in this area – we have an established community of families who live locally, who know each other, who welcome new members, and who come together to support the students and the school. Our students have identified, in survey after survey, that which makes them proud of this school is the connectedness of our school community. I hope that as we come to the end of the year all community members are able to feel proud of this exceptional school.
On Thursday 3 December, we farewelled our Class of 2020. The staff and parents who put together the celebration did so with commitment and dedication. The students were amazing. They dressed up, they celebrated each other and for the staff who witnessed it, it was a reward for all of the work they do with young people. No one could have been prouder. But there was some sadness, as there always is when you say goodbye to people you have worked with for six years. We wishes the Class of 2020 to very best of luck.
Then, the following Tuesday we welcomed our 2021 Year 7 students. The new beginning, the welcoming of new students always brings with it happiness and hope – and I think in 2020 this renewal felt even more special. The program for the day introduced students to the school and whilst there was some trepidation early in the day, by the end of the day there were smiles and laughter.
Year 10 and Year 11 students have completed Unit 1 and Unit 3 Headstart Program and are to be congratulated upon the manner in which they have undertaken the first sessions in their VCE studies. They have recognised the significant advantage they have by completing the Headstart Program and their purpose and commitment has been evident throughout the school. Holiday homework for all subjects has been set and we are confident that students will enjoy completing these tasks which further prepare them for a productive year in which they are able to reach their potential.
Year 12 students will receive final results on Wednesday 30 December 2020. Whilst we are looking forward to celebrating these, we also know that the best outcome has already been achieved. We are so very proud of our Year 12 students who have completed their secondary education in the very best possible manner, in the most incredibly difficult circumstances. The Department of Education and Training states that the benefits of strong educational outcomes are clear and compelling:
- High levels of education have a direct impact on an individuals’ success in life.
- Education is the basis of a good society.
Education creates better physical and mental health and increases social cohesion, leading to the strengthening of civil society and ensuring community and government resources can be directed where they are most needed.
Our Senior School students epitomise the clear and compelling benefits of their fine education. They symbolise the ideals of Kew High School. We are very proud of them.
Our current Year 7, 8 and 9 students have been working hard all term. Teachers have been re-writing curriculum to include as much practical activity as possible, and lessons and assessment have stretched right to the end of the term. As the holiday break begins, I encourage everyone to make the time to rest, to eat healthily and to be deliberate in avoiding screens over the break.
In the final Newsletter of the year, I would like to wish all members of our school community a very happy holiday, and a safe and healthy New Year.
I sincerely thank you for the welcome and for the messages of support through out the year. It has been an absolute privilege to be appointed to lead Kew High School and I am very much looking forward to 2021.
Happy Holidays!