A note from Musicland

Judy Bartosy
Director of Music and Strings
Musicland is full of music making and performance as we end the term. Kew’s Got Talent again proved to be a huge success with students, and teachers, from all year levels participating. The event was held outside the library at lunchtime. A panel of judges decided the winning acts and awarded medals and a trophy. Other performances have included a lunchtime concert with the senior music students, bands at the Clubs Expo and the music captains, Sweeney and Talia, performing for the International Women’s Day Breakfast in the STEM Centre.
We welcome three new staff members to the music team: Robbie Finch, Cello and Double Bass; Sophie Thomas, Voice; and Scott McDougall, Piano. We wish them all the best as they set sail in the boat of Musicland.
Term 2 will continue to involve music students in a range of events: Music Camp, ANZAC Day ceremony and the mid-year concert to name a few. We hope to see you all at our Mid Year concert, 6 June, in the Theatre.